The Brix Challenge 2024

Record breaking results for the Humane Society of McDonough County


For eleven years Chris Brix has challenged others to join him in raising funds for the annual operating costs of the HSMC during the month of October. Each challenge has been met with enormous support and this year’s Brix Challenge saw record-breaking results, raising over $37,800.00. That is amazing, exciting and heartwarming and means great things for many animals in need in McDonough County.

All of the funds raised will be used directly to benefit animals in McDonough county needing extra help along the way. The success of this year’s challenge will allow the HSMC to continue many ongoing services and programs to animals and pet owners and to continue providing direct support to the county-run McDonough County Animal Shelter, as well.

Our regional media venues helped us reach a large number of people again this year. With their support, that of members and friends, local businesses, mailings, social media and word of mouth, Chris Brix’s challenge was met with enthusiasm that started early and continued throughout. One generous couple chose to donate their Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) from their IRA to the Brix Challenge, something others may decide to do in the future, as well. We are extremely grateful to everyone who participated in any way. It’s difficult to express how much that kindness is appreciated or to explain the positive effect it will directly have on the animals whose lives it will touch. To everyone who became a part of this challenge, our most sincere thanks.

The Humane Society of McDonough County is an all-volunteer organization, 100% dependent on membership, donations and gifts. Our vision is to provide humane care and treatment for animals in McDonough County. While much of our work supports the McDonough County Animal Shelter and the animals there that are waiting for loving forever homes, we are a separate entity from the county-administered shelter. It takes a lot of time, hard work and revenue to make a difference for the many animals needing a chance for a better life.

As costs rise and need continues to go up, the HSMC remains as committed as ever to make a difference to those needing our help. An annual budget of approximately $40,000 to $50,000 is necessary to maintain the HSMC’s current initiatives and programs. Expansions and improvements of ongoing programs, plus the addition of new ones are always goals, as well. Our current Shelter Campaign, raising the significant amount of money needed to build McDonough County a new and much-needed animal shelter is a separate, yet simultaneous, effort.

The generosity of Chris Brix and those who participated in this year’s Brix Challenge will make the world a better place for many animals in McDonough County. The Humane Society of McDonough County members and supporters work tirelessly on a daily basis to provide humane care and treatment for all companion animals in our county through many ongoing initiatives.

HSMC assistance to animals at the McDonough County Animal Shelter includes promoting adoptions, providing sponsorships, a rescue/foster/adoption program, providing emergency medical assistance, assisting with the care and socialization of animals while they are at the shelter and more. Aside from partnering with the animal shelter the HSMC maintains many separate initiatives to promote spay-neuter, reduce overpopulation and problems related to it, provide discretionary emergency medical assistance through the “Angel Fund”, assist pet-owners through a pet food pantry, and much more.

Our most sincere thanks again to everyone who participated in Brix Challenge 2024 for your gracious support, for caring about the welfare of our community’s animals and for your confidence in and partnership with the HSMC. As Chris Brix reminds us, once again, one person’s dream, shared with others, can collectively create a reality of positive difference. Thank you so much for being a part of that difference!


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