Authors Brenda Sayre and Patti Nemec were happy to present Bonnie Smith-Skripps (President of the Humane Society of McDonough County) with a check for $3040.00 in donations received in support of their book, “Binx the Uptown Cat.” The book tells the true story of Binx’s rescue from life as a homeless cat living on the Macomb square into a cozy home with a loving family of his own. The book was available this fall for a donation of $25.00. All donations received for the book (and additional gifts included) were given to the Humane Society of McDonough County in hopes of helping their dream of a new animal shelter in McDonough County come true. The response was amazing. Brenda and Patti extend their most sincere “thanks” to everyone who generously supported this project. There are no more books available at this time. Keep your eye out for a possible 2nd printing in Spring 2021.

(left to right) Authors Patti Nemec and Brenda Sayre with Humane Society President Bonnie Smith-Skripps